大和藍スタートセット (綿 絹 麻 用) Yamato indigo dye kit for starter (easy tie-dyeing Tenugui)
・大和藍 10g
・手拭 1m×2枚
【大和藍スタートセット】説明書はこちらから For Instructions click here(japanese only)
Yamato indigo is original blended indigo powder, a mixture of natural indigo, other indigo, alkaline agent and reducing agent.
It brings an easy way one-time Tenugui indigo dyeing experience.
The kit contains.
・Yamato indigo 10g
・Tenugui 1m×2
・Disposable gloves
・Plastic bag
・The Instructions
*The kit is useless for chemical fibers.(Such as Polyester)
・大和藍 10g
・手拭 1m×2枚
【大和藍スタートセット】説明書はこちらから For Instructions click here(japanese only)
Yamato indigo is original blended indigo powder, a mixture of natural indigo, other indigo, alkaline agent and reducing agent.
It brings an easy way one-time Tenugui indigo dyeing experience.
The kit contains.
・Yamato indigo 10g
・Tenugui 1m×2
・Disposable gloves
・Plastic bag
・The Instructions
*The kit is useless for chemical fibers.(Such as Polyester)